Showing 1201 - 1220 of 3166 results. Page: 61 of 159
# Name Origin Meaning Save

1201 Alastair Scottish Defender of man. M
1202 Alaster Gaelic Defender of man. M
1203 Alaster Greek Variant of Alexander: Defender; protector of mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great. M
1204 Alastor Greek Avenger. M
1205 Alavi Muslim Heavenly. Divine.. M
1206 Alawn Welsh Harmony. M
1207 Alba Italian A place name. M
1208 Alba Spanish A place name. M
1209 Alban Latin From Albanus meaning 'of Alba', the ancient Latin city Alba Longa, whose name derives from albus meaning white. St Alban was Britain's first martyr. M

1210 Albano Latin White. M
1211 Albanwr Welsh From Scotland. M
1212 Albany English From Albany (the city). M
1213 Albany Latin Variant of Alban: From Albanus meaning 'of Alba', the ancient Latin city Alba Longa, whose name derives from albus meaning white. St Alban was Britain's first martyr. M
1214 Albany Scottish Derived from a former name for northern Scotland. M
1215 Albany Shakespearean 'Tragedy of King Lear' Duke of Albany. M
1216 Albaric French Blond ruler. M
1217 Alberic English Variant of Aubrey: Rules with elf-wisdom. Introduced into Britain from France by Aubrey de Vere, a friend of William the Conquerer. De Vere's grandson became the Earl of Oxford. M
1218 Alberic Teutonic Skillful ruler. M
1219 Alberich Norse A mythical dwarf. M
1220 Alberik Swedish Blond ruler. M
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