Showing 1141 - 1160 of 3166 results. Page: 58 of 159
# Name Origin Meaning Save

1141 Akshay Hindi Forever. M
1142 Akshobhya Indian One of the Dhyani Buddhas. M
1143 Akua African Ghanian name for one born on Thursday. M
1144 Akub Hebrew Replaces. M
1145 Akule NativeAmerican Looks up. M
1146 Akwetee African Ghanian name for the second twin born. M
1147 Al Celtic Diminutive of Alan: Harmony, stone, or noble. Also fair, handsome. Originally a saint's name, it was reintroduced to Britain during the Norman Conquest, remained popular throughout the Middle Ages, and was revived in the 19th century. M
1148 Al English Variant of Alan: Fair; handsome. Also both a diminutive of Albert (noble, bright) and an abbreviation of names beginning with Al-. M
1149 Al Gaelic Diminutive of Alistair: A Scottish Gaelic variant of Alexander from the Greek meaning defender of man. M

1150 Al German Diminutive of Alvin: Friend. M
1151 Al'alim Arabic Omniscient. M
1152 Al-Yasa' Muslim The Biblical Elijah is the English language equivalent. M
1153 Ala Arabic Superior. M
1154 Alaa Muslim Nobility. Excellence.. M
1155 Alaaudeen Muslim Excellence of Religion.. M
1156 Alaaudin Muslim Variant of Alaaudeen: Excellence of Religion.. M
1157 Alacibiades Latin Name of an Athenian politician. M
1158 Aladdin Arabic Faithful. M
1159 Alahhaois Irish Famous soldier. M
1160 Alahmoot NativeAmerican Nez perce word for an elm branch. M
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