Showing 1041 - 1060 of 3166 results. Page: 53 of 159
# Name Origin Meaning Save

1041 Airavata Indian Child of water. M
1042 Airdsgainne Gaelic From the height of the cliff. M
1043 Airell Celtic Nobleman. M
1044 Airleas Gaelic Pledge. M
1045 Airleas Irish Pledge. M
1046 Aisake Polynesian He laughs. M
1047 Aisea Polynesian God saves. M
1048 Aisford English Lives by the ash tree ford. M
1049 Aisley English Lives in the ash tree grove. M

1050 Aiston English From the ash tree farm. M
1051 Aitan Hebrew Strong. M
1052 Aiwyn English Variant of Alvin: Wise friend. From the Old English Aetheiwine, and also Aefwine, both meaning noble friend. Various forms of Alvin in use after the Norman Conquest became surnames, and also first names. M
1053 Aiyetoro African Peace on earth. (Nigerian). M
1054 Aja Indian Goat. M
1055 Ajaath Sikh Without caste M
1056 Ajai Sikh Victory/conqueror M
1057 Ajaib Sikh Wondrous being M
1058 Ajalon Biblical A chain, strength, a stag. M
1059 Ajanabh Hindi Mountain. M
1060 Ajani African He fights for possession. (Nigerian). M
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