Showing 921 - 940 of 3166 results. Page: 47 of 159
# Name Origin Meaning Save

921 Ahaziah Hebrew Variant of Achazya: God has taken. M
922 Ahaziahu Hebrew Variant of Achazya: God has taken. M
923 Ahearn Celtic Lord of the horses. M
924 Ahearn Irish Lord of the horses. M
925 Aheawan Anglo-Saxon Cuts down. M
926 Ahebban Anglo-Saxon Wages war. M
927 Aherin Gaelic Owns many horses. M
928 Ahern Celtic Lord of the horses. M
929 Ahern Gaelic Owns many horses. M

930 Ahern Irish Lord of the horses. M
931 Aherne Gaelic Owns many horses. M
932 Ahi Biblical My brother; my brethren M
933 Ahia Hebrew Variant of Achiya: God is my brother. M
934 Ahiah Biblical Brother of the Lord M
935 Ahiah Hebrew Variant of Achiya: God is my brother. M
936 Ahiam Biblical Mother's brother; brother of a nation M
937 Ahian Biblical Brother of wine M
938 Ahiezer Biblical Brother of assistance M
939 Ahiga NativeAmerican He fights (Navajo). M
940 Ahihud Biblical Brother of vanity; or of darkness; or of joy; or of praise; witty brother M
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