Showing 881 - 900 of 3166 results. Page: 45 of 159
# Name Origin Meaning Save

881 Agiefan Anglo-Saxon Gives. M
882 Agilberht Anglo-Saxon Name of a bishop. M
883 Aglaeca Anglo-Saxon Fighter. M
884 Aglaral ArthurianLegend Brother of Percival. M
885 Aglarale ArthurianLegend Brother of Percival. M
886 Aglaval ArthurianLegend Brother of Percival. M
887 Agneya Indian Son of Agni. M
888 Agni Hindi Fire. M
889 Agnimukha Indian Face of fire. M

890 Agostino Latin Variant of August: Deserving of respect. M
891 Agosto Latin Variant of August: Deserving of respect. M
892 Agoston Hungarian Hungarian form of Gustaaf 'staff of the gods'. M
893 Agoston Latin Majestic. M
894 Agravain ArthurianLegend Brother of Gawain. M
895 Agrican French From the field. M
896 Agrippa Biblical One who causes great pain at his birth M
897 Agrippa Latin Colonist. M
898 Agrippa Shakespearean Antony and Cleopatra'. Friend to Caesar. 'The Tragedy of Coriolanus.' Menenius Agrippa, friend to Coriolanus. M
899 Aguecheek Shakespearean 'Twelfth Night', also called 'What You Will' Sir Andrew Aguecheek. M
900 Aguistin Irish Majestic. M
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